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Appareils de cuisine

ArtMix Pro


Cooker-Blender with automated vacuum function for fast and hustle-free preparation of healthy meals! This all-in-one kitchen hero chops, mixes, blends and cooks the food in a single container using 16 automatic programs with an option of a manual mode set-up. ArtMix Pro is a super-quiet, professional grade cooker-blender that comes with the integrated, patented vacuum function that removes extra air from inside the blending container for cold food preparation and ultimately prevents oxidation.

Up to 50% smoother results and better tasting food.
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Prix public € 650,00
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Prix public € 650,00
Zepter Clubprix € 598,00
Remise -8% € -52,00
Prix total € 598,00
Livraison jusqu'à 7 jours ouvrables
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Vue d'ensemble

Cooker-Blender with automated vacuum function for fast and hustle-free preparation of healthy meals! This all-in-one kitchen hero chops, mixes, blends and cooks the food in a single container using 16 automatic programs with an option of a manual mode set-up. ArtMix Pro is a super-quiet, professional grade cooker-blender that comes with the integrated, patented vacuum function that removes extra air from inside the blending container for cold food preparation and ultimately prevents oxidation.

Up to 50% smoother results and better tasting food.


With today’s  stressful  and  fast-paced  lifestyle, optimal nutrition and a well-balanced diet pose an  ever increasing challenge to be and stay healthy. ArtMix Pro fits perfectly into the modern and  busy lifestyle of today. Fast, easy and versatile cooker-blender for the preparation of healthy, tasty meals and less chaos in the kitchen! Enjoy being creative in making delicious, healthy cakes, baby meals, soups and main courses in no time.

Sustainable technology: Healthy. Time-saving. Environmentally friendly.

The process of fine pulverisation extracts maximum nutrients from ingredients, making them more bio-available for the body to absorb. The automated vacuum function for cold recipes, removes the air from the blending jar and ultimately prevents oxidation.

A combination of the revolutionary Vacuum and Cyclone Pro technology guarantees the maximum release and retention of nutrients as well as the perfectly smooth blend.

More nutrients, better taste

An optional Cover PRO enables noise reduction up to 15 dB as well as extra safety child protection.

Données techniques

ArtMix Pro

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